Monday, December 1, 2014

Welcome to the Match Tour!

I've decided that as a relatively new member of and a few other dating sites, I would document my experiences as a racing car builder slash driver (and not the other way around).

So far, the hardest part in setting up with online dating has been doing so with complete and utter honesty.  Match is pretty basic since it just asks for a summary and a few pick-lists of activities, but how to describe yourself as a sarcastic asshole that is awesome at everything without sounding like a cocky douchebag?  I think the biggest problem is that sarcasm is totally lost in writing, and thus you've probably missed the point that the last point was pointing to: I'm really a nice guy that loves family and friends and enjoys lots of activities but also staying in by a warm fire.  This leads to my next problem: other people's descriptions of themselves.

Everyone is on some hypocritical bullshit.  Responsible career oriented person that just wants to have fun.  I appreciate the finer things in life, but I'm down to earth.  And it's vague, too.  I like TV, movies, puppies, and air.  Really?

So enough griping, apparently most people are just browsing through pictures anyways.  I'm out to go shoot some selfies....

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